The Children’s Legacy Center (CLC) provides forensic interviews when there is an investigation into crimes against a child or youth.
The CLC provides forensic interviews for cases involving crimes against children, aiming to minimize the trauma of the investigation. Previously, children had to recount experiences often between 6-11 times, compounding their distress. Now, in our child-centric facility, they share their account once with a forensic interviewer while a multidisciplinary team observes from a conference room. This team, comprising law enforcement, a social worker, a prosecutor, an advocate, and a physician, can communicate questions to the interviewer through an earpiece. This approach reduces the trauma children might otherwise endure during an investigation, and through collaboration with allied agencies, enhances accountability for perpetrators.
Quarterly Highlight:
During the fourth quarter of 2023, the Children’s Legacy Center conducted 71 child forensic interviews (FIs), resulting in over 500 FIs since its formation.
One SAFE Place (OSP) and Children’s Legacy Center (CLC) are excited to publish a new quarterly impact blog for sharing vital data that reinforces our commitment to serving the North State community.
Quarterly Statistics Breakdown:
The following impact data reflects client services in Butte, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity Counties between October-December 2023:
● CRISIS INTAKE WALK-INS: 1,299 individuals
● TOTAL CHILDREN/YOUTH IN SHELTER: 75 (14 on Christmas Day)
● FORENSIC: 71 interviews and 5 medical exams
● BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: 643 therapy sessions for 219 clients
● FOSTER FAMILY AGENCY: 9 foster child placements with families and 7 resource families
Our comprehensive offerings encompass domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy, forensic interviews, medical exams, shelter services, mental health screenings, behavioral health services, family advocacy, and residential treatment for youth.
Click Here For A Virtual Tour Of Our Children’s Advocacy Center Building!
Click Here For An Inside Look At Our Forensic Interview Process
For more information about One SAFE Place, visit
For more information about Children’s Legacy Center, visit