Our Services


The Children’s Legacy Center provides services to the greater Shasta County community that are
research-based and results-driven to maximize impact.

Service 1: Forensic Interviewing

Our forensic interviewing team provides one-on-one interviews for children to ensure a child is not re-traumatized through the investigative process. In our child-centric facility, children tell their account to our forensic interviewer while the investigator, social worker, prosecutor, advocate, and physician watch the interview from our conference room. The team is then able to provide relevant questions to the interviewer through an earpiece. This system reduces the number of times children must re-tell their experience, therefore significantly reducing the impact of the trauma for that child and aiding in accountability for those who harmed them.

Forensic Medical Exams – We have an onsite medical room dedicated to forensic medical exams in response to allegations of physical and sexual assault on children and youth from age one to eighteen.

Advocacy – At the time of the forensic interview or forensic medical examination, a family advocate meets with the family/caregiver to offer support, answer questions, and provide and connect families with resources. The family advocacy program offers ongoing comprehensive clinical case management services and works as a bridge to our behavioral health program, the Center for Resilience.

Service 2: Counseling Services

The CLC's Center for Resilience offers behavioral health services to children, youth, and their non-offending family members. We provide a holistic, trauma-informed, resiliency-oriented, evidence-based therapeutic approach to support healing. These services are offered at our Center for Resilience (CFR), located at 1400 Oregon Street, in downtown Redding. We are dedicated to the belief that no child or family should be defined by the worst thing that happened to them.

Service 3: Advocacy

When a child or youth is at the Children’s Legacy Center for a Forensic Interview or Medical Examination, the family advocate offers support to parents and caregivers during that process. They are also able to discuss the legal process, provide emotional support, offer parenting and behavioral education, provide and connect families with resources needed, and answer questions. In addition, an advocate can provide crisis intervention and safety planning.

The family advocacy program works in conjunction with the Shasta County Crime Victims Assistance Center to help ensure a child and their family has the most comprehensive resources available, including Victim’s Rights and Victim Compensation. The family advocacy program works as a bridge with our Behavioral Health program, the Center for Resilience, to ensure that each child and caregiver is supported throughout the judicial and healing processes with psychotherapy services and support.

The family advocacy team will provide ongoing comprehensive clinical case management services to children and families including parental support through individual counseling, individual advocacy, referral services, advocacy during a medical exam, and court and trial support.

Advocates are available to a family at any point during the investigative process. Advocacy services are free of charge to families/caregivers.

Service 4: Medical Services

For a forensic medical exam, a specially-trained pediatrician conducts medical exams that are similar to a well-child checkup. At the Children’s Legacy Center, the entire exam process is centered around the child (patient), nothing is done without consent.

We begin with a nurse greeting the family in the lobby, explaining the exam process, and welcoming the child and whomever they choose (parent, caregiver, guardian, etc.) to be present in the room for the exam. After taking vitals, the physician conducts a head-to-toe examination. 

When necessary, photographs are taken (with permission of the child and/or caregiver) to accurately document any injuries. Occasionally, special swabs will gently be applied to collect potential DNA and other biological evidence. No shots or any other painful procedures are performed during this examination.
Our team specializes in conducting forensic medical exams for the following areas of maltreatment:
  • Physical child abuse
  • Sexual child abuse
  • Child sex trafficking
  • Strangulation
  • Emotional abuse
  • Neglect (physical or medical)

Regional Pilot

The Children’s Legacy Center is partnering with the State of California’s Child Trafficking Unit to develop a comprehensive regional pilot program. This initiative aims to identify challenges and recommend solutions to help rural counties in Northern California address the needs of children and youth impacted by exploitation. We are also developing a coordinated response connecting agencies across multiple counties for the benefit of children and youth impacted by trafficking.  Additionally, our research and evaluation practices will assist in developing proven solutions to meet the extensive needs of at-risk and exploited youth.

Regional Services Include:

Coordinated Response Team (CRT)

Our CRT was created to connect partnership agencies, providers, and resources across counties. The CRT will promote communication and collaboration between counties which will streamline services and support the safety, healing, and restoration of trafficked youth.


Research & Evaluation

The Department of Innovative Research of Children's Legacy Center aims to generate evidence-based insights and contribute to the existing knowledge in the fields of trauma, commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), sexual abuse, domestic violence (DV), and human resilience and thriving. As the research arm of the organization, we set out to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s programs and interventions and their impact on the lives of the children and their families in their journey toward healing. As a research unit within the larger organization, we hope to inform program design, policy, and systems change.


Foster Family Agency (FFA)

Our Foster Family Agency provides family-based care utilizing a model that supports highly trained and uniquely qualified resource families. Our resource homes will provide care to children and youth ages 0 to 21, offering Intensive Services Foster Care, Therapeutic Foster Care, and Wraparound Services tailored to meet the needs of Commercially Sexually Exploited children and youth.


Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)

This program is not currently operating.


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©2022 Children’s Legacy Center
Children's Legacy Center
FFA License # 455 090 045
1110 Shasta St, Redding, CA 96001
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